
schedule  calendar

editing note for calendar section:

process changes


4.21.2024 begin birth control pills
4.30.2024 begin lupron 10u, begin baby aspirin
5.3.2024 last birth control pill
5.5.2024-5.7.2024 expect menses
5.8.2024 baseline ultrasound & blood test
5.10.2024-5.12.2024 stim days 1-3 follistim 4amp in pm
5.13.2024-5.17.2024 stim days 4-8 reduce follistim to 3amp in pm
5.18.2024-5.21.2024 monitoring, possible HCG
5.20.2024-5.23.2024 egg retrieval on one of these days
5.23.2024-5.25.2024 embryo transfer on one of these days